Multi-Architecture for SDP (Experimental)

This is an experimental feature of the Stackable Data Platform and still under development.


SDP release 23.11.0 has been ported to the ARM64 architecture. These images are stored within the stackable-experimental organization in our Nexus.

As they are not available by default so you need to first switch to the stackable-experimental organization before pulling them for use with the data platform.

Actual Releases

The only release currently available for ARM64 is the early-access version mentioned above.

Each product is built using ARM-specific tags to keep them distinct from development/nightly images. In future they may be bundled as a manifest list using an automated workflow.

Early-Access with Helm

According to our installation guide you can install ARM64 operators e.g. for the commons operator as follows:

helm install commons-operator stackable-stable/commons-operator --namespace stackable-operators --create-namespace --version=23.11.0 --set
Listener operator 23.11.0 not available for bare metal arm64 machines

By declaring --set you will overwrite the image selected by default with one located in the organization stackable-experimental. The other operators can be installed in the same way.

You have to install every operator you need for a given demo individually with helm using --skip-release with stackablectl. Otherwise, it will try to install x86 operators and pull ARM64 product images afterwards.

Early-Access to our products

The Product image selection mechanism allows the user to choose a specific product image and/or a different repository which may be relevant for e.g. air-gapped environments or when using a mirrored repository. To choose an ARM64 image specify the image in the custom field as follows:

    productVersion: 3.5.1
Only 23.11.0 is working at this moment.

Prepared Demos

It is possible to run SDP demos on ARM64 architecture, but due to the changes that are necessary we have provided a separate branch to make this easier. Please follow the instructions below to run a demo on ARM.

You will need access to a Kubernetes Cluster and to have the stackablectl command-line tool installed.

1. Clone the demo repository

git clone

2. Checkout ARM64 demo branch ( release 23.11.0 )

cd demos && git pull && git checkout spike/demos-on-arm

3. Install stackable operators ( release 23.11.0 )

This executes a script where all operators (except listener operator) with version 23.11.0 are installed. You can omit this step and only install operators you want by copying the corresponding helm command.

4. Install your demo with stackablectl (e.g. nifi-kafka-druid-earthquake-data)

stackablectl demo install nifi-kafka-druid-earthquake-data --skip-release -s stacks/stacks-v2.yaml -d demos/demos-v2.yaml